Dog Bite Attorneys in Riverside Supporting Your Recovery Every Step of the Way
According to a study from the Center For Disease Control (CDC), approximately 4.7 million dog bites and attacks occur in the United States each year. While most people associate a dog bite to only certain aggressive breeds of dogs, it is important to know that smaller cute looking dogs can also attack without warning and cause major injuries. A dog bite injury is nothing to glance over.
Our Accident Network attorneys have handled numerous dog bite claims by victims just like you and negotiated fiercely with insurance companies to get the maximum compensation for our clients. When an animal attack occurs, many people take the necessary steps for relief. The same should be said for a dog bite injury. If you or a loved one have recently been attacked by a dog, it is crucial that you speak with a dog bite attorney immediately! Call The Accident Network Law Group and schedule a free consultation to talk about your potential case. We can provide you with the representation you need in order to protect your rights and fight to get the most out of your case.
Who is Liable for My Dog Bite Accident?
This is a complex question for which an injury lawyer’s consultation is crucial in determining who is liable. Dog bite cases can be complicated and the laws differ from state to state. Dog attacks, and the circumstances surrounding them, including the role of the dog owner, can factor into the case. Therefore, it is essential to give us a call and speak to an experienced dog bite attorney to determine what your next steps should be and to work towards getting you the compensation you deserve.
Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Dog Bites?
The short answer is maybe, it all depends on the circumstances of the attack and ownership of the dog. Homeowner’s insurance generally covers dog bites by the policy holder’s dog. Most dog bites occur in the home of a family member, neighbor, or friend. As such, many dog bite victims are hesitant about asking for insurance information. We understand that not many dog bite victims want to file a claim against a friend or family member. But it is critical to consider the severity of your dog bite injury. However, if there is an applicable homeowner policy, an attorney will pursue them instead of your friend or family member to get you the compensation you deserve!
Does Renters Insurance Cover Dog Bite Accidents?
What most people don’t know is that in the state of California, the dog bite owner’s home insurance policy can compensate you for your injuries and losses. What happens if there are renters at the premises where the attack occurred? Generally, renter’s insurance would cover a dog bite case. However, most renters do not purchase the additional coverage needed to protect themselves should their dog attack someone. Therefore, the liability can then trail back to the owner of the premises. This will require specific investigations and gathering of evidence into the attack, for which it can get complicated. This is why hiring a dog bite attorney is crucial in getting you the settlement you deserve and providing you with sound legal advice throughout the process. A dog bite lawyer can make a major difference for your case and fight to ensure that your rights aren’t being compromised. That is why you should call The Accident Network Law Group and schedule a free consultation to review your potential case.
How Much Money Can a Dog Bite Attorney Help Me Get From a Dog Bite Lawsuit?
A dog bite lawyer, like the experienced ones we have at our law firm, has dealt with numerous dog bite cases for which liability was at issue. Our law firm is familiar with the complexity of these cases and will work hard to find the liable party and fight for what you deserve. We understand that medical bills, lost wages, and other factors can put you in a compromised position. Victims of dog bite injuries deserve compensation to help alleviate all their stresses. An experienced dog bite injury lawyer can hold a dog owner accountable to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.