A dog bite injury can not only take a big chunk out of your body but it can also take a big chunk out of your peace of mind. Some dog bite injuries are particularly gruesome. These injuries require extensive surgeries that can be costly. Even worse, these injuries may take time to heal. You may be unable to work during these times, causing you to lose hours and wages because of it. With mounting medical expenses, along with your other bills, you may soon be struggling to pay things off with your limited income. Our team of dog bite attorneys can fight on your behalf and help you get the compensation you deserve for your accident so you can focus on getting back to full health.
What If I’m Left Permanently Disfigured from a Dog Bite?
Permanent disfigurement from a dog bite can cause you tremendous grief. Aside from the physical pain, you may suffer from such an injury, you may suffer tremendous mental anguish as well. Our personal injury attorneys in Riverside, CA can claim your mental anguish as a reason you should be owed damages for your injuries. Permanent disfigurement is no joke. The repercussions of your accident should not last you a lifetime, especially if you are not responsible for the events that happened. Let us help you fight to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
How Can a Dog Bite Attorney Increase the Payout for My Case?
The longer you have been out of work and the more wages you have lost due to a dog bite accident, the more compensation you may be owed due to your injuries. Our attorneys can use your lost wages and additional expenses to leverage a higher payout for you and to ensure that you and your family are well taken care of.
What Can a Dog Bite Lawyer Do for Me?
Dog bite accidents often come from nowhere. Dogs do not have to be provoked to suddenly lash out and bite someone. A dog bite accident, on the surface, may seem harmless, but many of our clients suffer significant pain and suffering from their injuries. From medical visits to lost wages, a dog bite can put you in a major bind. You have the right to take control of your situation and pursue aggressive action against those responsible for your injuries. Contact our law firm immediately for the legal help you deserve. Together, we can fight to make your situation right again. Call us at (951) 554-1010 to schedule, a free, no-hassle consultation today.